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‘Night’ profits decrease

During the Sept. 19 Heidelberg Township board meeting, Supervisor David Fink said supervisors received a letter from the Goodwill Fire Company, Germansville, for help with the construction project at the firehouse.

He told the company they appreciated receiving the letter.

Goodwill Fire Chief Jay Scheffler said there were 91 calls for the year – down from the previous year as the school has dealt with its alarm system. The company helped with a Northwestern Elementary 5K race.

He said two people qualified for Firefighter 1 hybrid and one person as an emergency management technician.

Trucks have been inspected and oil changed. It is looking forward to a delivery date for the new truck at the end of October.

Northern Valley Ambulance responded to 100 percent of the calls even though it is short on staff.

Supervisor Steve Bachman reported the Night in the Country celebration in August was very busy but profits were down. It may be necessary to increase admission by $1 next year. The walking trail is now in progress.

Roadmaster Kevin Huber said concrete work on the drainage boxes has been done in Heidelberg Heights. Road crews have been working on the Walking Trail at the Community Park. The crew has been doing a lot of mowing.

Township Administrator Janice Meyers met with two additional inspection services. The one chosen was Lehigh Valley Inspection Service.

John Millen, recently appointed liaison for the office of state Sen. Pat Brown, R-16th, told the board they wanted to make it easier to get grants that affect the township.

“One of the nice things about Sen. Pat Browne is that he is on the Appropriations Committee,” he said, adding they should keep him informed about projects.

Gene and Lenore Handwerk want to separate 1 acre leaving 12.8 acres from their property on Buckery Road. The legal right of way and clear site triangle required at the August meeting have been placed on the plan. The township needs additional copies of the plan which received conditional approval with the requirement in engineer’s letter still to be completed.

Fink recused himself from the discussion as his plan for land on Best Station Road was discussed. The agricultural land will have a conservation easement. It needs a nonbuilding waiver. Pins and monuments have been set. Preliminary approval was given.

Beth Trexler of the Germansville Post Office asked if “Stop Sign Ahead” signs could be placed on Phillips and Memorial roads and Heidelberg Heights and Memorial roads. There have been accidents and near accidents there by the mail delivery people.

The ag security request by Lee and Ruth Miller for the inclusion of 87.8 acres was approved.