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Queen Lily Seyfried and King Harrison Bernhard and their Homecoming Court

Under a star speckled early fall sky, Lily Seyfried was crowned Homecoming queen and Harrison Bernhard was crowned king at one of Northwestern’s signature events.

Seyfried emerged as queen from a field of girls voted to the court by the members of the class of 2020 that included Bailey DeJesus, Caroline Fogal, Alexandra Hallingstad, Stephanie Moneymaker, Jordan Rottmann, Sydney Sevrain and Veronica Walker.

“This is a great experience for us all,” Seyfried said. “The fact that my closest friends are on the court with me I think is really cool because anything involving my friends, is something I cherish.“

The boys on the court included Deven Bollinger, Jacob Dolansky, Domenick Harding, Sean McCann, Michael Rebert, Zachary Rosamalia and Conner Snyder.

“The Homecoming Court this year is filled with unique and beautiful people,” Hallingstad said. “I am excited and honored to be included in such a great group of people.”

“Homecoming and the court is a tradition that we’ve grown up watching and it’s exciting to be a part of it now,” Moneymaker added.

“Homecoming is something the girls have look for since their freshman year,” said Sevrain, who is also class treasurer. “It’s every girl’s dream to be on the court.

“It’s all about getting all dressed up, the crown, just everything, especially standing in the middle of the field and being crowned.”

“Everyone’s kind of hoping one day it will be them,” said Bernhard, who is also president of the class. “I would hope all the people on the court are role models and that people who chose them did so to represent their grade.”

Nearly all the members of the court were surprised at being selected.

“I was surprised because I have always kept somewhat of a low profile,” said Rottman, before the event. “I think the people on the court are a really good group and I’m excited to see who is going to win.”

“When I found out I was on homecoming court, I was very excited and honored to have this privilege,” said Walker. “I am going to have these memories forever.”

Friendship unites many of the members of the court.

“I was excited when I found out I was on Homecoming court because it is an experience I can share with my best friends, one I will remember for the rest of my life,” McCann said.

“I felt very surprised and excited that my best friends and I are all on the court,” Rosamalia said.

Bollinger couldn’t agree more.

“I was excited to be on the court especially since all my friends are on it as well.”

The court was announced at the end of school day on the Friday before the Homecoming game.

“I found out I was on the Homecoming court in fourth block and after, all I thought was, ‘Let’s go!’ and I jumped up and celebrated,” Dolansky said.

“When I found out I was in environmental science. First, they announced that my bestie Alexandra was on the court and I was filled with excitement for her,” said Fogal, cheerleader captain. “Then my name was announced as well as two other kids in the class, so our room was full of excitement and congrats.

“I’m very excited to be on a court with so many great people that I have known since elementary school.”

DeJesus, cheerleader captain, also commented.

“Listening to the names, I heard some of my close friends were on as well, so I became excited to be a part of this fun tradition with great people,” DeJesus said.

Some parents were equally surprised.

“My dad wasn’t expecting it, but my mom wasn’t surprised,” said Bernhard.

Sevrain said she was as surprised as her family, but she never expected her grandmother’s reaction.

“I called her and asked what she was doing Saturday night but before she could answer, I interrupted [telling] her she already had plans because she was coming to the homecoming game to see me on the court!” she said. “She squealed, congratulated me and said she wouldn’t miss it.”

Some of the seniors never mentioned being selected to the court to their parents. “I did not tell my parents,” said Snyder. “They found out during the football game against Bangor on Friday.”

Snyder wasn’t the only one. “My parents actually found out from other parents at the football game last Friday,” said Rebert. “I’m excited because not only is it a cool experience but I also get to enjoy it with all my friends.”

Adviser Martha Larkin ordered fall flowers bouquets and yellow boutonnieres for every member of the court. “The winners get to keep the crowns,” she said smiling as she remembered her own homecoming in Bethlehem. “What I enjoy the most about homecoming is it’s the kick- off for the best senior year.”

A homecoming dance the next day extended the celebration.

“There’s really a big showing for both events, the football game and the dance,” Riley Shaffer said. “It’s just a good time with friends.”

“In high school, we really only have homecoming and prom to get together and have fun,” said Bernhard.

“It’s just exciting to see the rest of your peers all dressed up and having fun,” agreed class vice president Matthew Renner.

According to David Combs, class adviser, some 400 tickets were sold for the dance and “at $10, it was a pretty good sale. I [also] think we sold 180 homecoming T- shirts.”

“We should be in very good shape for homecoming and prom,” he continued. “The class has done a really good job with fundraising and people have paid their senior dues. Sales of the [homecoming] T-shirts have been good. Going forward, the Class of 2020 has no funding worries.”

Though homecoming has special significance for the senior class, the celebration appeals to the entire student body.

“Everyone looks forward to homecoming each year. It feels good to be a part of the court,” said Harding. “It also means a lot to me that all of my best friends are on the court as well.”

Press photo by nancy scholtzNorthwestern Lehigh High School 2019 Homecoming Court