Editor’s Note: We welcome Jake Welsko as our new Emmaus High School student reporter. He is a junior and writes Arts and Culture for the school newspaper, The Stinger.
Emmaus High School’s very own school store, The Hornet’s Nest, has been relocated to Room 519.
The EHS womens volleyball team will be selling shirts to raise money to support trainer Ed Zellner. Shirts and brain cancer awareness bracelets are available for purchase, with the proceeds to benefit Zellner and his family. Shirts and bracelets can be purchased through Oct. 2 during all lunches right outside the cafeterias. Come buy the merchandise and support the girls at their Volleyball Spike Out Cancer Night Oct. 3.
Homecoming week has begun; the themes for the rest of Spirit Week include: Oct. 2: Jersey day, Oct. 3: College day and Oct. 4: green and gold.
Powderpuff football is scheduled Oct. 1. The rain date is Oct. 2.
The new club “Girls Who Code” will hold its first meeting Oct. 3 after school in Room 366. The club is designed for girls who are interested in the growing art of computer coding. For more information, see Mrs. Stoudt or Mrs. Brashear.
The fall sports pep rally will be held Oct. 4 during periods eight and nine at the East Penn School District stadium.
The EHS Homecoming tailgate is Oct. 4 in the school’s parking lots starting 3:30 p.m. There will be food and games so be sure to stop by on your way to the Homecoming football game at the stadium.
The senior breakfast will be held Oct. 4 during periods one and two. Seniors need a ticket to attend. Breakfast will be provided by Chick-fil-A, Three Men and a Bagel and Duck Donuts.
The Homecoming dance will be held 7-10 p.m. Oct. 5 at EHS. Tickets can be obtained outside the cafeterias during all lunches through Oct. 4 at a discounted price. Tickets will also be available at the door on the night of the dance. Paperwork for non-EHS students can be found at the main office or in your assistant principal’s office.
The Red Cross Club will hold a blood drive 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Oct. 15. Any student who is 16 years of age or older may donate blood. If you are interested, permissions slips can be found from the Red Cross Club members outside the cafeterias during all lunch periods or in Room 335.
Registration for the Advanced Placement exams has commenced in the counseling office. The priority deadline is Oct. 3 and the final ordering deadline is Nov. 8. All students taking the exam must register and pay the fee in the counseling office with either cash or check at the time of registration. If paying by check, make it payable to Emmaus High School.
On Oct. 5, the SAT reasoning and subject tests will be offered at EHS.