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South Whitehall planners table Ridge Farm conditional approval

After several hours of comments from Ridge Farm development representatives and the public, the South Whitehall planning commission voted to table the request from Kay Builders for conditional approval.

“We haven’t seen data about rush hour and other things we usually see in a traffic impact study,” Planner Bob Bielecki stated. “Conditional approval will have to wait until that’s done.”

Diane Kelly concurred.

“I’m not comfortable moving forward with this plan,” Kelly said. “We haven’t seen this before with the northern section separated.”

Brian Hite added his thoughts.

“PennDOT is not concerned with Huckleberry as it’s not a state road,” Hite said. “With a lack of a traffic impact study, I can’t vote for this.”

Board Chairman Alan Tope expressed his view.

“That echoes my sentiments,” Tope said. “The development was split into two parts. We need more information on traffic, particularly to the east.

“We need a more complete study to reflect the change.”

Township Solicitor Joe Zator stepped aside to discuss the situation with James Preston, attorney for Kay Builders.

Preston agreed to provide traffic impact studies - one from Penn- DOT and the other for Huckleberry Road, east and west of Cedar Crest Boulevard.

Following receipt of those studies, the planning commission will have 30 days to act, and township commissioners will have 60 days.

After the meeting, John Chaya, who lives along Huckleberry Road, commented.

“The people won tonight,” Chaya said.