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Lanternfly training

Penn State

The spotted lanternfly, an invasive plant hopper, was discovered in Berks County in 2014.

Native to China, India and Vietnam the spotted lanternfly has the potential to greatly impact the stone fruit, grape, hops and logging industries.

Damage to blueberries, basil, cucumbers and horseradish has been seen.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture is offering a training class 9-11 a.m. Oct. 29 at the Penn State Extension Lehigh County office, 4184 Dorney Park Road, South Whitehall.

The person taking the training will be responsible to train employees on what to look for and how to safeguard against moving spotted lanternfly.

The department encourages everyone, even those who do not need a permit, to take advantage of training.

Training classes are being offered free.

The classes will consist of a prerecorded training session followed by a 20-question exam.

A score of 70 percent (14/20) is required to pass and to receive a permit.

To register, contact the PA Department of Agriculture at 1-717-787-5674 or SLFPermit@pa.gov.