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The Lower Macungie Library recently celebrated the finale of its summer reading program.

The summer reading program was held June 17 through Aug. 17 and the program theme was, “A Universe of Stories.”

A total of 496 children and 97 teens participated in the program.

Community-wide, 4,000 children were involved in the reading program.

As part of the finale celebration, State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-134th, joined young readers to present participation certificates.

Library staffers Lisa Underwood and Johanna Castillo gave readers goodie bags filled with free kids meals coupons from Chipotle, Applebees and BJ’s Brewhouse restaurants. The bags also included a Lower Macungie Library pencil, bookmarks and “brag tags.”

Children also received coloring books and bookmarks focused on Pennsylvania.

The Lower Macungie Library reading program recently celebrated its finale with a visit from state Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-134th as well as crafts and gifts for participants. ABOVE: Anna Llerea, of Lower Macungie Township, joins her daughters Daniella, left and Gabriella for a photo at the Lower Macungie Library summer reading program finale recently.