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The Macungie Borough Counil met Sept. 16 for its regular meeting, where it was mentioned Macungie police received positive comments for their coverage of the Wheels of Time.

Also discussed was a situation on Hillcrest Drive with a dog running loose. The resident is concerned about this dog as it could bite a child or get hurt. The police are involved and this situation is being watched.

Council said the borough manager search continues. The committee is working on scheduling interviews and determining next steps such as background checks.

Ron Beitler requested a pine tree be cut down on Lumber Street. This was approved.

East Greenville Borough and the Emmaus Police Department requested fire police for their Halloween parades. This was approved.

The status of the Community Development Block Grant application for Americans with Disabilities Act ramps was questioned. The status is pending.

Contributions to various pension funds was approved including $68,066 to the police pension; $21,301 to the non-uniform pension fund and $3,000 to the non-uniform defined contribution.

The Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator position has been filled. Timothy Keller has been chosen to fill this position.