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Northampton Community College

Suicide prevention event Sept. 10

“1 Reason Why Not,” a program addressing college students considering or making suicide attempts, will be held at 11 a.m. in room 190, College Center, Bethlehem (main) campus.

For more information, email erosenthal@northampton.edu or call 610-861-5565.

Bartender workshops begin Sept. 10

“The Bartender: Not Just Beverages and Bars” workshops geared to industry and business needs will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 10 through Oct. 8 at the Fowler Family Southside Center, 511 E. Third St.

To enroll, call 610-861-5068 or visit www.northampton.edu/lifelearn.

Moravian College

Family Day set for Sept. 14

Registration is from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Haupert Union Building kiosk. The program begins at 10:30 a.m. with President Bryon Grigsby, ‘90, in the HUB Pavilion. He will present an update on the college, followed by a Q&A session.

For event tickets, visit www.eventbrite.com/e/moravian-college-family-day-2019-tickets-62275138616.

Penn State Extension

Diabetes management workshop begins Sept. 5

There will be a Penn State Extension course on how to better manage diabetes from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sept. 5, 12 and 19 and Oct. 10 and 24, and a follow-up class Dec. 5. Classes will be held at the Catasauqua Municipal Building, 90 Bridge St., Catasauqua.

The program is geared toward anyone who has type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, has a family member with type 2 diabetes, or is at risk for developing diabetes. Trained extension educators, in consultation with registered dietitians and diabetes educators, lead the discussions.

For more information or to register, visit the Penn State Extension website at extension.psu.edu/dining-with-diabetes or call 877-345-0691.

Penn State University’s local campus is located at 2809 Saucon Valley Road, Center Valley, 18034. For information, call 610-285-5000 or visit www.lv.psu.edu.