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Whitehall police

Whitehall police responded to these and other calls recently.

AUG. 5

An assault in the 3400 block of North Ruch Street brought police to the scene.

Officers investigated criminal mischief on Bridge Street.

The department responded to disturbances on North Church and Second streets and Mickley Road.

The unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in the 1000 block of Mickley Run was reported.

Police were on the scene of an officer injury in the 2100 block of Park Drive.

A report of a missing juvenile in the 1300 block of North 14th Street was investigated.

Officers responded to a domestic offense against family at Lehigh Valley Mall.

AUG. 6

The department responded to a report of harassment in the 2200 block of North First Avenue.

A mental health call at MacArthur Commons was investigated.

Officers investigated disturbances on North Third Street, Stone Terrace Drive and MacArthur Road.

Police were on the scene of an officer injury at MacArthur Commons.

A report of fraud in the 3100 block of Fourth Street was investigated.

A theft occurred in the unit block of Maryland Circle.

Criminal mischief in the 1300 block of North 14th Street was reported.

AUG. 7

Police investigated a protection-from-abuse violation in the 3300 block of Carbon Street.

Motor vehicle accidents on MacArthur Road and at Lehigh Valley Mall were reported.

An alarm in the 900 block of Catasauqua Road was investigated.

The department performed welfare checks on MacArthur Road and Echo and Knossos drives.

Officers responded to a theft at Lehigh Valley Mall.

Suspicious activity in the 3300 block of Barklay Road brought out police.

The department responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle in the 4600 block of South Church Street.

AUG. 8

Police investigated a theft from a vehicle in the 900 block of Mickley Road.

A mental health call in the 3000 block of Fellowship Drive brought police to the scene.

Officers responded to a report of identity theft in the 2900 block of MacArthur Road.

A wanted person in the 3600 block of Crescent Court East was reported.

The department provided a protection-from-abuse order in the 200 block of Orchard Drive.

Disturbances on MacArthur Road and Front Street were investigated.

Suspicious activity on MacArthur Road was reported.

AUG. 9

A drug investigation on Fullerton Avenue had police at the scene.

Officers investigated a theft from a vehicle in the 2500 block of Augusta Drive.

The department responded to disturbances on MacArthur Road and Presidential Drive.

Thefts occurred on North 14th Street and MacArthur Road.

Reports of fraud on North 13th Street and Stone Terrace Drive were investigated.

Littering and dumping in the 1200 block of Catasauqua Road was reported.

Reckless drivers on MacArthur Road and Route 22 were handled by police.

AUG. 10

Officers investigated a suspicious vehicle in the 1700 block of MacArthur Road.

Police responded to a threat in the 1300 block of Third Street.

Reckless drivers on MacArthur Road were handled by police.

The department investigated criminal mischief on Chestnut Street and Mickley Road.

A disturbance in the 5600 block of North Coplay Road was reported.

Unwanted people on Springmill Road and Catasauqua Avenue brought out police.

A wanted person at Whitehall Mall was reported.

AUG. 11

Police investigated domestic offenses against family on Second Street and Maryland Circle.

A building fire in the unit block of Jordan Drive brought out police.

The department addressed a person driving under the influence on North 11th Street.

Suspicious activity in the 500 block of Mickley Road was reported.

Officers responded to a disturbance in the 3700 block of Ash Street.

A theft in the 2100 block of MacArthur Road was investigated.

Police responded to a report of criminal mischief at Lehigh Valley Mall.

AUG. 12

A domestic offense against family in the 1000 block of North Sixth Street brought police to the scene.

The department assisted with an outside equipment fire in the 1300 block of North 14th Street.

Officers investigated the unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in the 2600 block of MacArthur Road.

A suspicious vehicle in the 1000 block of Livingston Street was reported.

Police responded to a report of harassment in the 1200 block of Knossos Drive.

Reports of fraud on MacArthur Road and East Church Street were investigated.

Officers responded to a report of trespassing in the 900 block of Mickley Road.

AUG. 13

Police were on the scene of a reported overdose in the unit block of Packer Avenue.

An assault at Lehigh Valley Mall brought out officers to investigate.

The department investigated an attempted burglary in the 900 block of Jefferson Street.

Police responded to a mental health call in the 1200 block of California Avenue.

A passenger vehicle fire in the 1300 block of Third Street brought police to the scene.

Disturbances on Linden Lane and MacArthur Road were investigated.

Officers responded to a report of identity theft in the 2600 block of Crystal Drive.

The department was on the scene of a domestic offense against family in the 2100 block of MacArthur Road.

AUG. 14

An alarm in the 2100 block of MacArthur Road was investigated.

Police responded to disturbances on Maryland Circle and Second Street.

An unwanted person in the unit block of Maryland Circle was reported.

Officers investigated a report of a threat in the 1300 block of Third Street.

The department performed welfare checks on Sixth and Thomas streets.

Abandoned vehicles on MacArthur Road, North and South Front streets and Jordan Parkway were reported.

Police responded to an animal complaint in the 4200 block of Lehigh Street.

AUG. 15

Officers were on the scene of a reported assault in the 600 block of Mickley Run.

A burglary in the 1300 block of Mickley Road was investigated.

Police responded to a juvenile complaint in the 1200 block of MacArthur Road.

A domestic offense against family in the 5200 block of Second Street brought out police.

The department investigated a robbery in the 100 block of Mickley Road.

Criminal mischief in the 1100 block of North 12th Street was investigated.

Police responded to reports of fraud on North 13th and Sixth streets, Sunset Drive, Old Country Road and Garfield Avenue.

AUG. 16

A motor vehicle accident on Pine Street brought police to the scene.

Officers investigated a report of harassment in the 400 block of Oakwood Drive.

Criminal mischief in the unit block of Maryland Circle was reported.

Police responded to alarms on Third Street, Mickley Avenue and MacArthur Road.

The department addressed hazardous conditions on Sixth Street and MacArthur Road.

An unwanted person in the 2100 block of Main Street was investigated.

AUG. 17

Officers were on the scene of an overdose in the 4100 block of North Church Street.

A drug investigation brought police to Lehigh Valley Mall Lifestyle Center.

The department investigated a child abuse report in the 2600 block of MacArthur Road.

Criminal mischief in the 900 block of Fairmont Avenue was reported.

Police responded to a report of harassment at Lehigh Valley Mall.

Disturbances on American and Lehigh streets and at Lehigh Valley Mall brought out police.

A report of trespassing on Main Street was investigated.

AUG. 18

The department responded to suspicious activity in the 4600 block of Main Street.

Disturbances on North Second Street and Second Avenue were reported.

Officers investigated a domestic offense against family in the 400 block of Seventh Street.

Hazardous conditions on Lehigh Street and Limestone Drive were addressed.

Police responded to a mental health call in the 3700 block of Lehigh Street.

Criminal mischief in the 2600 block of MacArthur Road was investigated.

An animal case in the 3400 block of North Ruch Street was reported.