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Trash talk again at meeting

Resident Marty Rakaczewski brought a partially filled bag of trash to show supervisors at their Aug. 12 meeting.

He again pleaded with the board to do something about the problem.

Rakaczewski said the trash he brought along was collected just before coming to the meeting.

He accused supervisors of being indifferent and not doing anything to alleviate the situation and suggested they hire someone to patrol the area once a week to pick up garbage.

Rakaczewski said Tuesday and Saturday were the worst days for trash along the roads.

He did, however, praise township Administrator Brian Carl for his efforts in trying to solve the problem.

Rakaczewski added residents who mow their lawns, do not pick up trash and therefore shred it with the grass, multiplying the problem.

He told the board he would bring more residents to the September meeting to reinforce his position.

In other matters, Steve McGlynn, of Conway Road, asked supervisors what the parameters were for a home occupation.

McGlynn was concerned his neighbor is operating a business

He alleged customers come in as early as 6 a.m.; dogs are barking; and there is an increase in traffic in the residential area.

Supervisor Richard Bleiler asked what the homeowners association guidelines are for this subdivision.

McGlynn said allowing home occupations is not within the keeping of the rural nature of the area.

He will bring the homeowners association guidelines to the board.

Matt Krapf gave the Weisenberg Fire Company report.

He said there were 128 calls this year with 21 in July.

The fire company has made applications for some grants.

They have applied for a $50,000 grant for acquisition of radios with Berks County tones, as that county runs on a different frequency.

Another application was made to the state for a $15,000 grant to update the rescue tools.

Solicitor Peter Lehr reported litigation concerning Dunkin Donut’s nonpayment of money owed to the township for review fees is currently on hold.

Carl reported salt bids were accepted and the contract was given to Eastern Salt Company for a cost of $69.90 per ton delivered.

Washington Township handled the advertising.