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Northampton police

Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently.

AUG. 1

Officer Buchanan and K-9 Vito assisted North Catasauqua police during a traffic stop in the 200 block of Main Street.

A hit-and-run accident occurred in the 1400 block of Washington Avenue. A legally parked vehicle was struck, damaging the driver-side rear bumper.

Criminal mischief in the 400 block of East Fourth Street was reported. A window was damaged by a known person.

A domestic dispute between two females took place in the 1100 block of Atlas Lane.

AUG. 2

An intoxicated male at West 26th Street and Cherryville Road was investigated.

AUG. 5

In the 800 block of Main Street, a yellow 24-inch, six-speed tricycle with a white basket across the rear wheels was taken from the porch of a residence.

AUG. 6

Police conducted a warrant service in the 2000 block of Center Street. A wanted male had a warrant with Lehighton’s police department.

AUG. 7

An unwanted male in the 400 block of East Fourth Street was investigated.

A male trespassing in the 1300 block of Stewart Street was reported.

Officers responded to a report of a male and a female shoplifting at Redner’s Quick Shoppe, 33 W. 21st St.

AUG. 8

Credit card fraud was investigated in the 1900 block of Hokendauqua Avenue.

Police said windshields of two legally parked vehicles were damaged by a pellet gun in the 900 block of Washington Avenue.

AUG. 09

A reportable accident involving one vehicle occurred at East Ninth Street and Line Alley.

Police investigated a noise complaint - a loud explosion - in the 400 block of East 12th Street.

AUG. 10

A domestic dispute between a male and a female took place in the 2100 block of Canal Street.

Officers served a warrant in the 100 block of Held Drive. A male had an outstanding felony warrant with the department. He was taken into custody and transported to Northampton County Prison.

At Municipal Park, Smith Lane and Laubach Avenue, the theft of a black and silver SE Big Ripper bicycle was taken.

AUG. 11

In the 800 block of Main Street, police investigated a domestic dispute between a male and a female.

A reportable accident involving one vehicle occurred in the 2500 block of Main Street.

Police responded to a report of a male causing a disturbance in the 100 block of West 17th Street.

In the 800 block of Main Street, officers investigated a 911 hang-up/open line call. A female requested that an unwanted male leave the residence.

AUG. 12

Criminal mischief - pellet gun damage to the windshield of a legally parked vehicle - in the 100 block of West 17th Street was reported.

A reportable accident at Cherryville Road and 26th Street involved one vehicle.

Police responded to a domestic dispute between a male and a female in the 1800 block of Main Street.

In the 1400 block of Canal Street, a domestic dispute between a male and a female took place.

AUG. 14

A domestic dispute between a male and a female occurred in the 100 block of East Fourth Street.

At Main and 21st streets, a hit and run was investigated. The report said a moving vehicle was struck by a white vehicle, which continued without stopping.