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Driving along Route 100?

The sound of honking has been heard just north of the Lowhill Township Building in recent days.

The honking is not coming from the vehicle horns of irate drivers along Route 100 but rather from a small flock of flamingos (yes, flamingos do honk) and other colorful sea birds standing at roadside.

Weather wonks on television and radio have reported summer temperatures in this region have been warmer than some regions well to the south, perhaps confusing these pink feathered friends to migrate to the waves by the roadside property of Philip Rossetto and Greg Snider.

According to Phil and Greg, their colorful birds have been displayed in the past.

“After an eight-year hiatus, the pink flamingos are making an appearance with other wacky sea birds,” the duo said. “They have held up nicely during their absence from the lime light.

“The display celebrates the finest of the end-of-our-summer-days by holding on to lingering sunsets, and family weekends.

“Assembled from average, inexpensive materials from Home Depot and the Dollar Store, as well as 10-inch well pipe, this enjoyable display was a pleasure to create to bring a smile to daily travelers.

“If they could talk, the flock would certainly tweet far more joyful messages than many we are receiving at the moment.”

PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY ANN WERTMANA multicolored parrot sits atop a post as a white cartoonish bird and a pink flamingo stand behind of some two-tone blue waves along Route 100 in Lowhill Township.