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Consultant lists goals provided by residents for comprehensive plan

Consultant Thomas Comitta returned to South Whitehall July 30 for the third comprehensive plan meeting which took place in the forum room at Parkland High School.

This time, attendance was far less than the full house at the previous session.

Comitta began with a summary of suggestions given by residents at the two earlier meetings.

These included opportunities for alternative transportation, maintenance of Covered Bridge Park and historic places, coordination of future land use and transportation, consideration of open space, and acquisition of more land along the Jordan Creek.

Comitta, said he earned his Bachelor’s degree from Penn State and his Master’s from Harvard and has 46 years experience in his profession, commented on the planning process.

“I do this all the time. I love it. I always try to look at a better way to plan the future,” Comitta said.

He then proceeded to list a set of Guiding Principles which he compiled after listening to the concerns and desires of residents.

These five goals, also known as guiding principles include:

·Protect resources and assets including natural, historic, agricultural, and open space;

·Coordinate future land use in sync with the capacity of the road network to absorb changes;

·Promote continuation of opportunities for open space, education, public safety, and wellness;

4) Promote techniques to limit sprawl by advocating for land use with more effective smart growth attributes.

5) Coordinate with PennDOT, Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, and adjoining municipalities to alleviate existing problems and avoid future conflicts.

Comitta provided remarks on the Guiding Principles going forward.

“This is the first draft. It is a living document which may be word-smithed in collaboration with staff, elected officials, and myself,” said Comitta.