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Board deals with various issues

Washington Township supervisors, at their Aug. 6 meeting discussed waivers requested by Randi Bult, and Bryan and Brenda Park. They both have to add contour lines to their plans.

Bult was granted a waiver for location of soil pipes. They both have to meet engineer’s comments and add contour lines to their plans.

Bult’s property is at 3755 and 3837 Main St., Emerald.

The Parks’ request is for a boundary line adjustment at 2938 Cemetery St., Emerald.

Conditional approval was given by the board.

Supervisors noted the three fire companies and other emergency providers in the township will be evaluated as to quantity and quality of equipment.

Cost is to be borne by the Department of Community and Economic Development.

John Tarafas, code enforcement officer, received a pay increase to $17 per hour.

Washington Township requested bids for salt. The low price came in at $69.90 per ton from Eastern Salt Company. Washington is part of an eight-municipality group that orders salt on a single bid.

NOVA reported there have been 1,567 ambulance calls in 2019 through June with 259 of them in Washington Township.

The numbers are broken down by call types. Those types going over 100 were for breathing problems, 150; fall victims, 165; sick person, 270, and traffic accidents, 124.

There will be an active shooter drill at Lehigh Carbon Community College at 9 a.m. Aug. 23.

A round table discussion will be held 6 p.m. Sept. 11 at NOVA’s headquarters in Ormrod.

Resident Ed Ziegler said some of the Keystone Lamp property is planned to be subdivided.

Police were called out for an incident at the quarry. Ziegler asked how much punishment they will get.

He was told they received a warning.

Ziegler also told the board that a light in a Neffs trailer court helps with finding the location in an emergency.

However, the light has not been on regularly of late. Ziegler said that should be corrected.