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Coplay: Community Days to be held Aug. 23-25

Coplay’s Community Days festival is right around the corner!

The three-day event will be held Aug. 23-25 at Saylor Park, Second and Keefer streets.

Admission and parking are free.

Highlights of the annual festival include daily and nightly live entertainment, food and drinks and kids’ activities.

See next week’s edition for a full schedule of activities.


There will be a family splash and dance noon-5 p.m. Aug. 25 at Coplay’s Parkway Pool, 2 Keefer St.

Freddie Fredericks Jr. will provide the music, games and prizes.


Save the date now for the Coplay Recreation and Welfare Association Halloween parade, scheduled for Oct. 15.

Registration forms are now being sent out to organizations.

There will be no rain date.

Press photo by Al ReckerKids and adults alike do the chicken dance during a splash and dance pool party, held July 25 at Coplay's Parkway Pool. Another event is scheduled for Aug. 25 as a grand finale to summer.