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‘Night’ almost ready to shine

Night in the Country, the annual Northwestern Recreation Commission festival, will take place 4- 10 p.m. Aug. 17 with a rain date on Aug. 18, followed by fireworks at the rec fields.

‘Night’ Committee Chairwoman Kathy Hermany said one vendor wanted to sell a type of firework that was fired off at the event last year but she had banned it because of possible danger. She added that the same vendor could sell balloons.

Student members of the Science Olympiad will help park vehicles for the car show

So far, there are no volunteers, either individually which takes five or six people, or from an organization to run the cow flop bingo. Any organization that volunteers receives a percentage of the profits.

Hermany said letters requesting donations were mailed and donations are coming in.

The owner of a tractor-trailer combination wanted to attend. but Rick Hughes asked,

“Where do you park it?” Rick Hughes asked.

The issue was tabled, and will be considered for next year when there is more time to study the parking issue.

Todd Wentz took $570 off his bill for doing concrete work and gave the money as a donation to the rec commission.

Jim Hughes, grounds manager, said the fields are in good shape.

Graffiti had been painted on the pavilion door. The vandals were caught and cleaned it up as well as doing some additional work at the park.

Witnesses caught some youth breaking branches on new park shrubs. They volunteered to paint picnic tables as restitution.

Brian Carl, project manager for the walking trail, will request bids for the paving.

A letter received from the Slatedale-Emerald Lions Club thanked the rec commission for use of the Lions pavilion.