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Do you enjoy the public gardens at the Triangle, the gateway to town, near the Emmaus Public Library and the memorial garden, near St. John’s U.C.C. Church, in Emmaus?

For many, many years, the Emmaus Garden Club has planted flowers and other plants in these gardens. Members have also picked the weeds and watered the gardens during dry spells. Many Emmaus residents are not aware of these contributions.

Rose Parry and her helpers have done an outstanding job of maintaining the gardens.

To recognize these efforts, the Emmaus Garden Club recently installed signs with a logo designed by garden club member Ellen Wilson featuring the inscription “Maintained by Emmaus Garden Club.”

For information about other club activities, contact Faye Schuler, club president, at 610-965-6109.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTORose Parry holds a new sign at the Triangle Park Garden, Emmaus.