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Whitehall police

Whitehall police responded to these and other calls recently.


Police investigated a report of child abuse in the 3700 block of Lehigh Street.

An alarm in the 1100 block of Schadt Avenue brought police to the scene.

Officers responded to reports of suspicious activity on Ammon Way and Broad Street.

Hazardous conditions on Fairmont Avenue, Jordan Boulevard and North Coplay, Range and Mechanicsville roads were addressed.

The department performed a welfare check at Lehigh Valley Mall.

A theft at Lehigh Valley Mall Lifestyle Center was reported.

Police investigated a theft from a vehicle at Lehigh Valley Mall.

A theft occurred at Whitehall Mall.

The department addressed a noise complaint in the 2200 block of Main Street.


Officers investigated thefts of motor vehicles on Mickley Run and Maryland Circle.

A burglary in the 1000 block of North Sixth Street brought police to the scene.

Suspicious activity on Lehnert and Forest roads and North Ruch and North 13th streets were reported.

The department responded to reports of wanted people on North Sixth Street and MacArthur Road.

Criminal mischief in the 5200 block of Main Street was investigated.

Police were on the scene of an officer injury in the 1000 block of North Sixth Street.

A suspicious vehicle on Michigan Avenue was reported.

Alarms on Fifth and Grape streets and MacArthur Road and at Lehigh Valley Mall were investigated.

Officers responded to a report of a hazardous condition on Lehigh Street.


Police investigated a threat in the 2600 block of MacArthur Road.

Motor vehicle accidents occurred on Mechanicsville Road and Hillside Avenue.

A mental health call in the 4300 block of Scheidys Road brought police to the scene.

Officers investigated a report of fraud in the 1100 block of MacArthur Road.

Disturbances on Schadt Avenue and Maryland Circle were reported.

Police responded to a theft in the 3300 block of St. Stephens Lane.

Suspicious activity in the 1100 block of MacArthur Road was reported.

Alarms on Grape Street, Sumner Avenue and MacArthur Road and at Whitehall Mall brought out police.


The department investigated suspicious vehicles on Creekside Road and Dewey Street.

An unwanted person in the unit block of Maryland Circle was reported.

Officers responded to a report of harassment in the 2100 block of North First Avenue.

Criminal mischief at Whitehall Mall brought police to the scene.

Disturbances on North Ruch Street, Carolina Avenue and MacArthur Road were investigated.

Police responded to an animal report in the 1000 block of Catasauqua Road.

Suspicious activity in the 600 block of Jordan Circle was reported.

An alarm on Oakwood Drive brought police to the scene.

The department responded to a report of littering/dumping in the 1200 block of Pericles Place.


Police were on the scene of a drug investigation at Whitehall Mall.

Officers provided a protection-from-abuse order in the 4100 block of Main Street.

A report of harassment at Whitehall Mall was investigated.

The department responded to a mental health call in the 3000 block of South Fifth Street.

Suspicious activity in the 100 block of Sixth Street was reported.

Police responded to disturbances on MacArthur Road and Orchard Drive.

A report of a person driving under the influence on Jordan Parkway was handled by police.

Officers investigated a report of a wanted person on Jordan Parkway.

The department responded to a report of a hazardous condition on MacArthur Road.

Alarms on Schadt Avenue and Mickley and MacArthur roads were investigated.


Officers were on the scene of drug investigations on MacArthur Road.

Several reports of people driving under the influence on MacArthur Road were addressed by police.

A weapons offense in the 1000 block of MacArthur Road was investigated.

The department responded to a mental health call in the 1100 block of West Highland Street.

Police investigated a disturbance at Lehigh Valley Mall.

Officers responded to a report of harassment in the 4700 block of Spruce Street.

A juvenile complaint on MacArthur Road was handled by police.

A theft occurred at Lehigh Valley Mall.

The department responded to alarms on Brynwood Drive and MacArthur Road.

Suspicious activity in the 1000 block of MacArthur Road was reported.


Officers were on the scene of a sex offense in the 4400 block of Main Street.

Thefts from vehicles on Oakwood Drive and Reliance Street were investigated.

Police responded to reports of suspicious activity on Portland Drive and East Union Street.

Criminal mischief in the 1300 block of North 14th Street was reported.

The department investigated alarms on Congress and Third streets and South First Avenue.

Officers addressed a hazardous condition in the 1000 block of Catasauqua Road.

Police performed welfare checks on California Avenue, MacArthur Road, Phaestos Drive and Mickley Run.