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LCA reps attend Lynn meeting

Charles Volk and Liesel Gross, of the Lehigh County Authority, brought some hope to Lynn Township supervisors.

They outlined the steps being taken to free up more EDU’s for houses waiting to be hooked up to the sewer system.

They will have another meeting at the township building sometime in the future.

Fire Chief Peter Christ noted that the fire company did not have a key for a dry hydrant in the town house development.

Firefighters would not be able to use the hydrant.

Gross said she would look into the matter and forward a key to the fire company.

In other matters, the board reviewed a waiver request from Robert Rice, who wants to combine two of his properties on one deed by eliminating the common boundary between the tracts.

Supervisors suggested this was unnecessary and, with backing from the solicitor, told Rice to have his lawyer draft a consolidation deed and record it with the county.

Tim VanBlargan gave the Lynnport Fire Company report. He told the board 28 emergency calls were handled by the volunteer firefighters so far this year.

Chief Christ gave the New Tripoli Fire Company report.

He told supervisors that as of July 8, they had received 63 calls.

Engineer Chris Noll and Solicitor Marc Fisher will work on bringing the Overlay District before the board for its review before sending it to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.

The road crew was busy as usual.

They were helping Weisenberg, Heidelberg and Lowhill townships with their oil and chipping. They also oiled and chipped some of Lynn’s roads.

Mowing also kept the road crew busy and they expect to install some new pipes and will have line painting done.

Two proposals for the Ag Security district were presented to the board.

The Hermany property, 32.9883 acres at 7399 Springhouse Road and the Moyer/Pergosky 4.53 acres at 5452 Holstein Drive will be reviewed.

Supervisors authorized releasing a donation to the fire companies.

New Tripoli Fire Company will receive $6,000 and Lynnport will receive $4,000.

The donation amount is based on the 60 percent/40 percent coverage ratio in the township.

Supervisors also raised the cost of recyclables from $5 to $7 effective Aug. 1.

Megan Waidelich, representing Kutztown Community Library, asked the board if a pop-up library could be placed at Ontelaunee Park.

After some discussion, the board agreed to grant her request.

A mailbox type structure is proposed which would contain the books.

Readers could take a book and return it at their leisure.

The library would occasionally restock the inventory.

Supervisor Steve Feinour noted the car show was a huge success. The Boy Scouts were in charge and did an excellent job conducting the event, he said.

An upcoming event at Ontelaunee Park is the Pioneer Apple Festival hosted by the Lynn Heidelberg Historical Society on Oct. 5.

And Night in the Country will be celebrated Aug. 17 at Northwestern Recreation Commission Community Park, Northwest Road and Route 309, New Tripoli.