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On a hot summer day in July, volunteers with Emmaus Rotary Club, The Emmaus Lioness Lions Club, Emmaus Kiwanis Club and Emmaus Lions Club met at Lincoln Elementary School to serve lunch to area children. Blankets were placed on the lawn by the playground and bag lunches were brought out to the students. Donated books were on a nearby rack for children to take home to read and keep.

Working with The Nutrition Group, the volunteers provide lunch bags with a fruit cup, fresh vegetables, cheese, crackers, a bottle of water or juice pack and freshly made lunch meat sandwiches.

About a year ago, representatives from these clubs began talking about a growing need in the district - making sure students in the district had food to eat when they were not at school. In fact, 33 percent of students in the district are on the free or reduced lunch program.

The groups were told sometimes the only meals children have are the meals they receive at school - breakfast and lunch. The concern was for summer meals.

In the history of these groups, this is the first time they have banded together for a common community cause.

Andrea Grim with The Emmaus Lioness Lions Club said her group provided baskets with sunscreen and other items for the summer and heard about a need for food. “We talked about pooling our resources” to be effective.

A total of $22,000 was raised along with many donated books from Cops ‘n’ Kids, the Emmaus Public Library, The Emmaus Lioness Lions Club, The Emmaus Lions Club and the Emmaus Rotary Club.

The volunteers provide lunch 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays.

The program began June 25 and will end Aug. 16.

Flyers were sent home during the last week of school and parents in the district receive reminder texts and telephone calls inviting children to come to lunch.

Approximately 50 volunteers have signed up to help serve lunch to the children and help them choose a book to take home.

“We want the program to grow,” Salvatore Verrastro, Emmaus Rotary Club, said.

“We will evaluate the program after this summer and find ways to make it better,” Rick Zayaitz, Emmaus Rotary Club, said.

“A mobile van to deliver the lunches would be a great idea,” Grim said. “The van could make stops at designated times at various locations in the district.”

Volunteers believe they would have a larger attendance if they were able to reach the children who are unable to come to Lincoln Elementary School.

If a program remains at the Lincoln Elementary School campus, Verrastro said he would like to make it look more festive.

“I would like to see us incorporate recreation stations for the students,” Bob Smith, Emmaus Kiwanis Club, said.

The volunteers are committed to continuing the program and making it bigger and better.

They will work with the district and see if student volunteers from the Key Club or National Honor Society would be willing to help.

East Penn School District Superintendent Kristen Campbell has been very supportive of this community effort.

“The district values its partnership with the Emmaus service organizations. We would like to thank the volunteers who have worked to make the vision for a summer lunch program a reality for our students. This program is one example of the many ways in which service organizations strengthen and support our school community.”

PRESS PHOTOS BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHVolunteers wait for children to come to Lincoln Elementary School for lunch July 19, including, left to right: Anne Smiley, Diane Smith, Louise Davis, Ricki Stringfellow, Barb Roba and Bob Smith, Emmaus Kiwanis Club; Rick Zayaitz, Emmaus Rotary Club, Andrea Grim, The Emmaus Lioness Lions Club and Salvatore Verrastro, Emmaus Rotary Club.