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Bill McQuilken honored by trauma society, LVHN

William “Bill” McQuilken, selected to receive the Trauma Prevention Recognition Award from the American Trauma Society, was recently honored for his work during a presentation at Lehigh Valley Hospital, Salisbury Township.

Michael M. Badellino, M.D. a specialist in general and traumatic surgery, thanked McQuilken, trauma prevention coordinator for Lehigh Valley Health Network, for going above and beyond the call of duty in trauma prevention.

Badellino provided statistical evidence to support the impact McQuilken has made on patients.

Most notably, Badellino talked about his involvement with a driving simulator to demonstrate the real-life consequences of texting while driving.

McQuilken has taken the simulator to schools in the Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton, Schuylkill and Carbon counties.

Badellino was astounded with the work Bill has done.

“Bill is one of the hardest working individuals whom I have ever met,” Badellino.

Director of the trauma program, Carol Fox, expressed her joy of working with McQuilken.

State Rep. Gary Day, R-187th, commended McQuilken for his work and presented him with an award.

“Bill’s a leader who brings passion to everything he does,” Day said. “It is a sincere honor to recognize him.”

Ellen Kern, chief of Staff for state Sen. Pat Browne, R-16th, congratulated McQuilken for his achievement.

“Bill is a calm, steady presence in the community and never loses sight on fundamental goals,” Kern said.

“Thanks to Bill countless lives have been saved.”

Michael M. Badellino, M.D. begins the citation presentation by praising Bill McQuilken's character.