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‘That’s exactly where I want to be’

Constantly aiming to make the school district a better and safer place, Catasauqua Area School District administration and Catasauqua Police Department decided to add a second school resource officer.

“When the school district suggested adding a second school resource officer, Officer Best was the logical choice considering his experience,” Police Chief Douglas Kish said.

Officer Patrick Best attended Parkland High School and graduated from Eastern Kentucky University in 1980 with a degree in criminal justice. He was hired as an officer in Catasauqua in 1982.

Shortly after, he gave up patrolling the streets of the borough to take a position with Lehigh County Juvenile Probation Department. This was the start of Best’s time working with youths. He remained working for the county for 27 years.

In 1990, he returned to Catasauqua as a part-time officer, while working with the probation department. According to Kish, Best is also certified as a police bicycle officer by the International Police Mountain Bike Association (IPMBA) and has been riding for a number of years.

At the start of the 2018-19 school year, Officer Jenna Dumansky-Potak was chosen to serve as the SRO in the district. In November 2018, she went on maternity leave, and Kish asked Best to fill in.

“He has a wonderful history of working with all juveniles,” Kish said.

Best said he was excited at the idea of working with kids again. He noted it was in a much different capacity from when he worked at the probation department, but he had missed working with the younger generation.

When Dumansky-Potak returned in March, Best was asked to remain on as SRO for the remainder of the year and the 2019-20 year. His focus would be at Sheckler Elementary School and Catasauqua Middle School. Dumansky-Potak would be stationed at Catasauqua High School.

“I would love that,” Best replied. “That’s exactly where I want to be.”

According to Kish, Best will attend a basic SRO course sponsored by the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO).

School district Superintendent Robert Spengler reported the district received funds from the School Safety grant through the Pennsylvania Department of Education. These funds allow the district to have two SROs and mental health professionals in the district.

Best and Dumansky-Potak will spend the summer months patrolling Catasauqua Park and Playground, 501 American St. According to Kish, this will help the officers maintain the relationships built with the youth in the community.

Best noted he enjoys working with Dumansky-Potak.

“She has this great energy,” he said.

“Both officers have done an exemplary job this past school year, and we look forward to our relationship with the school district and making our schools and community safer,” Kish said.

When asked about the future, Best said he can only hope to remain working as an SRO until his retirement, which he expects to be in five years.

Best said he looks forward to coming to work each day and is excited to continue working with the kids.

“This is the best thing in my career right now,” Best said.

Contributed photoOfficer Patrick Best fills his summer days patrolling Catasauqua Park and Playground, 501 American St., maintaining the relationships he built as a school resource officer in the Catasauqua Area School District.