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Lehigh County senior menus

Call 610 - 782-3254 for locations.

Wednesday, June 26: Macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, spinach, fruit cocktail.

Thursday, June 27: Meatball sub, Capri blend vegetables, berry crisp.

Friday, June 28: Chicken Caesar salad, Mandarin oranges.

Monday, July 1: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, roll, cottage cheese and berries.

Tuesday, July 2: Oven baked chicken legs, roasted potatoes, mixed vegetables, roll, melon.

Wednesday, July 3: Roast pork w/ sauerkraut, carrots, mashed potatoes, roll, baked apples.

Thursday, July 4: Centers closed.

Friday, July 5: Franks and beans, broccoli slaw, corn chowder, crackers.