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HEIDELBERG TOWNSHIP: Heidelberg Union Church offering VBS for kids

Spread the word! Miller-Keystone Bloodmobile will be ready and waiting to accept donations 9 a.m.-1 p.m. June 30 in the parking lot at Heidelberg Union Church.

Every pint makes a difference.

To donate, make an appointment by contacting Robin Koch at 610-767-6859 or schedule online through the Miller-Keystone Blood Center at giveapint.org. Walk-ins are also welcome.


Calling all retirees! Heidelberg Association for Retired Persons, better known as H.A.R.P., will meet 11 a.m. July 2 in fellowship hall for its annual summer indoor picnic.

All retirees are welcome.

Remember, you do not have to be a Heidelberg Church member to attend.

In addition to your favorite side dish or dessert to share, bring along a friend or two.

Local songster Jack Snyder will provide an afternoon filled with musical entertainment.

Hot dogs and condiments will be supplied.

Any questions, call Katherine Blose at 610-336-0555 or Eleanor Klevenhagen at 610-841-9803.


Fun and Faith! Heidelberg Union Church’s Vacation Bible School will be offered 6-8 p.m. July 15-19.

Kids in kindergarten through fifth grade are encouraged to come and learn about the love of Jesus through this year’s program, “Farm Fresh Faith.”

There will be Bible story time, games, crafts and snacks.

To register or for those interested in helping or have any questions, call 610-767-4740 or email huc.team@yahoo.com.


Just a thought! In a world where you can be anything, be kind.