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Credit card approved for Lowhill

Lowhill supervisors discussed, during their June 6 meeting, obtaining a credit card through New Tripoli Bank to cover miscellaneous purchases.

According to Janet Henritzy, who was covering for vacationing Secretary Jill Seymour, supervisors would have a credit limit of $2,500. This was agreed upon by the board.

In other matters, the township has received the improvements and maintenance agreements for the East Penn Self-Storage property. Lowhill’s solicitors and engineers reviewed the agreements.

Chairman Richard Hughes motioned to sign the agreements and Supervisor Robb Werley seconded the motion.

Supervisor Vice Chairman Buddy Wessner abstained from voting due to a possible conflict.

Administrator Brian Carl noted the Bittner’s Corner Bridge item could be removed from the agenda as the work had been completed.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky was going to check the area near the bridge to make sure no further damage had occurred while removing equipment.

Supervisors wanted to make sure no major ruts resulted from the removal.

Kalusky also reported the road crew in May worked on dirt road repairs, cleaned out some pipes and completed about three quarters of the townships grass mowing in May.

During June, the crew would finish mowing and weed whacking, continue working on dirt roads and prepare for oil and chipping.

Carl stated the township had filed an enforcement notice with the district judge against Integrity Auto.

The township alleges the garage is not in compliance with code due to the number of cars on the property.