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School board approves contracts, amendments, resignations

At the June 10 Whitehall-Coplay School District School Board meeting, members approved school dentist Dr. S. John Salivonchik for the 2019-20 school year at a rate of $6 per exam.

The board approved a new high school textbook, “Chemistry,” published by Pearson in 2017, at the cost of $43,978.36.

The board approved contracts with Barry Isett & Associates Inc. to conduct a temporary classroom construction stakeout and to conduct a partial topographic survey for the stadium turf replacement project.

Also approved was an amendment agreement between D’Huy Engineering Inc. and WCSD for the project scope and timelines for the Whitehall High School additions and renovations project changes.

The board approved the amendment agreement between Breslin Ridyard Fadero Architects and WCSD for the architectural services for the WHS additions and renovations project changes.

Additionally, the board approved a resolution authorizing the district superintendent to execute change orders for the elementary portable classroom project and high school roof project.

Members approved the resignations of Sangeeta Dorner, school nurse at Steckel Elementary School; Jessie Bucchin, National English Honor Society adviser at WHS; Amanda Snyder, Anime Club adviser at WHS; Joshua Fick, Science Olympiad Club adviser at WHS; Erin Reichenbach, reading paraprofessional at Gockley Elementary School; Charisma Christman, sixth-grade paraprofessional at Whitehall-Coplay Middle School; Danielle Monroe, districtwide half-day ESL salaried substitute; Tanya Richardson, Steckel Elementary secretary; Karen Kramer, cafeteria worker at Gockley Elementary; Margaret Klock, cafeteria monitor at WCMS; Linda Ports, cafeteria worker at WCMS; and Paul Dietz, utility maintenance worker at WCMS.

New appointments included Joshua Thatcher, WCMS assistant principal, at the rate of $98,500; Hailey Arnold, WHS biology teacher, at the rate of $50,721; Brittany Jackson, WHS earth science teacher, at the rate of $52,666; Claire Surovi, emotional support teacher at Steckel, at the rate of $53,629; Kristine George, fourth-grade teacher at Zephyr Elementary School, at the rate of $49,808; Michele Schneck, secretary to the principal at WCMS, at the rate of $35,288; Hiam Araj, van driver, at the rate of $17 per hour; Lisa Barr, district summer school special education teacher, at the rate of $36 per hour (funded through student tuition); Ashley Koren, summer reading enrichment teacher for Rising 1st Graders (funded through a Title I grant); and Carolyn Radon, Varsity W Club adviser at WHS.

Approved high school department leaders for the 2019-20 school year included Daniel Smale, art/music; Nicole Storm, business/industrial technology; Meredith Kester, counseling; Michelle Abbadessa, English/library; Jennifer Bodnar, health and P.E./F&CS; Kristine Eichelberger, math; Christina Stoudt, science; Robert Panny, social studies; Jennifer Stancombe, special education (ESOL/speech); and Jean Marsteller, world language.

Approved faculty leaders for WCMS included Stephanie Simock, sixth grade; Lori Galucy, counseling; Brian O’Donnell, English; Debby Zosky, mathematics; Samantha Ness, science; Clare Persing, special education; Laura Counterman, special subjects; and Stephen Piston, social studies.

The board approved tenure for Stephen Austin Berg and Jennifer Heilner, at Gockley; Angela Christman, at Steckel; Michael Gaugler and Brittany Rabe, at Zephyr Elementary; Lisa Barr, Amberly Drey, Courtney Hunsberger, Trevor Pinho and Rhiannon Sorrentino, at WCMS; and Gabrielle Smith and Fiana Spangler, at WHS.