Whitehall Township Public Library: Art, science program planned
The summer reading program for kids, teens and adults is underway. Our theme this year will be “A Universe of Stories.”
We will be talking about space, NASA, planets and the 50th anniversary of the moon walk, which was July 20, 1969. Everyone can sign up until Aug. 3.
We have a lot of programs, including a Super Science and Amazing Art program 6:30 p.m. June 25. This program is for all ages and free and open to all patrons.
Check out the cool NASA and space items in the display cases.
There will be a library bingo for kids 6 p.m. June 26 in the reference area.
All school-aged children may attend and have fun learning about the library while playing bingo.
As part of the summer reading program, Jolie Chylack, of the Lehigh County Conservation District, will be doing a program 1 p.m. June 27.
In her program, Buckets Full of Nature: Space Rocks, she will talk about different space rocks and then read some stories, do a craft and tell kids how they can identify some of the objects in the night sky.
If you want to know more about comets, asteroids, meteorites and the other rocks that are constantly traveling all around us, come see the program.
The new website is up and looking great, but we still need to tweak some of the contents. Please take some time to look at it and let us know if there are things missing.
We tried to transfer all of the information but may have missed some things.
Thank you to Mike and Justin from Big Pixel Studio for their help in making the process easier.
Stop by and purchase a new blue book bag. Take a picture of yourself with your bag on vacation and send it to us! We will be posting pictures on the wall near the water fountain until January 2020.
Email pictures to researcher1998@yahoo.com or drop off a copy at the front desk. Tell us where the picture was taken, but supplying your name is optional.
So far, we have received pictures from Kansas, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Florida, New Mexico and Virginia, to name a few.
Call the library at 610-432-4339 for more information on any of our programs. We have the newsletter and calendar on our website, whitehallpl.org, and copies at the front circulation desk.