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Boy Scout honored by Weisenberg Township board

Boy Scout Tom Broadhurst was recognized by Weisenberg supervisors June 10 with a commendation for his project with the township.

He was responsible for planting shade trees at the soccer fields.

Another Boy Scout, Alex Sprosell, presented an overview of the project he would like to do for the township.

He is proposing a flagpole, with flag, be installed at the ball fields in Weisenberg Park.

Flowers would be planted around the perimeter and a small paved section would surround the pole.

The board gave him the go-ahead by approving expenditures up to $1,000.

Trash was again on the agenda at this month’s meeting.

Township Administrator Brian Carl said that there has been some progress made.

He was at the site to discuss the problem with the offenders.

However, Marty Rakaczewski, who was at last month’s meeting, thought nothing had changed.

He noted open dumpsters at the Waste Management site, which allowed the wind to blow the trash around the neighborhood.

He alleged Palram was another offender in the area.

He suggested some type of fencing should be installed to catch the trash that blows around and Waste Management should have somebody go over the property at a scheduled interval and pick up the items that have blown away.

Rakaczewski is disappointed that neither the state nor township will address the problem.

The board stated Golden Key Road is a state road and the township cannot do anything about the problem on a state road.

Rakaczewski pointed out that when the properties mow their lawns, they do not pick up the items in the grass.

Instead, they mow over them and shred them into even smaller pieces.

He will contact PennDOT on the problem and see if they can do something.

One resolution was on the docket for the evening.

The board accepted the dedication of West Hills Court into the township’s road system.

It is 558 feet long and is located in the Industrial Park.

It is a continuation of West Hills Court in Phase 1.

Carl noted they have received a DCED grant.

He stated the board had a few options to use the money.

They could wait for grant money from a second grant or reduce the scope of the project.

The current funds can be used toward the establishment of the walking trail from the fire company to the soccer fields and then to the baseball fields with a crossing on Goldlen Key Road at the elementary school.

The grant was in the amount of $32,197.

Weisenberg Fire Company reported 92 calls so far this year with 18 in May. The new duty officer’s pick up is now in service.

They are currently running a hoagie sale which will close on June 25. Order forms are available at the township office.

Roadmaster Tony Werley will be proceeding with oil and chip shortly.

They have finished helping Lynn Township with a project.

The solicitor informed the board that he was successful at the district judge with the prosecution of a violation of the burning ordinance. The property cited was on Independent Road.

He also was successful in prosecution of a person riding an ATV along Fawn Court.

A third hearing was rescheduled.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY BRIAN CARLWeisenberg Township Board member Richard Bleiler joins Eagle Scout Tom Broadhurst holding his certificate of appreciation, Weisenberg Township Chairwoman Linda Gorgas and Roadmaster Tony Werley for a group photo at the June 10 supervisors' meeting. Broadhurst was recognized with the commendation for planting shade trees at the soccer fields.