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Monica Deeb, Salisbury’s athletic director, accompanied by Salisbury’s Speech and Debate Coach Michael Barna began the June 3 operations and technology committee meeting with an announcement about the amazing work of the Salisbury High School Speech and Debate Team. The debate team was recognized for its best season ever.

Coached by Salisbury High School Social Studies Chair Barna, the team captured a 30-2 regular season record and an 8-0 playoff record. The team captured all three gold medals in the playoffs.

There were 21 students on the roster and almost all were in attendance. The team was commended for its amazing work ethic and legendary record in the league.

In other business, Camille Laszczak from SFE, the school district’s food service provider, presented a report that SFE had submitted an application for a grant that will allow them to purchase two pieces of equipment for the lunch room next year. They are purchasing a gravity feed that will stock hot meals in the morning. The second is a hot chocolate warmer. The grant is for $3,116.

Board Secretary/Chief Financial Officer Michael Taylor presented the new print management system proposed at a previous board meeting. Edwards Business Systems will be the new print management system provider replacing the current systems, Alltech and Frazier.

The committee was told Edwards services all the machines annually and has a customer service team that does a great job in fixing all types of issues and replacing machines, like for like, if there are any unfixable issues.

Currently, individual departments are ordering ink cartridges and the prices fluctuate constantly, which makes budgeting these items extremely difficult. Ultimately, the goal is to replace the laser printers throughout the district with multifunction printers. The district will save $10,000 a year by monitoring the toner cartridges through this new system. The new system will have scanners or barcodes to log in, rather than a code to type in.

Taylor moved on to the new procurement card system that will be going in place. Currently, there are only four cards in the district and there have been some issues with fraud. Lafayette Bank approached the district with their purchase card program. They incorporate electronic payments and virtual procurement cards if needed. This new system will allow the district to store money for an extra 30 days, which will accrue extra interest.

Board member Samuel DeFrank was concerned about the fraud situation and how the district can be protected. If this bank and card system can protect the district better, then he was for it.

Taylor used the Lafayette Bank online suite as an example for why this system would protect the district better. He stated the online capabilities would track of all charges and give immediate fraud protection.

Limitations on the possible new cards were questioned. Taylor assured the committee all departments would still have to fill out purchase orders and cards will be selective. There will not be a lot of cards issued. This new procurement card system is still at the drawing board, but a proposal will soon be put together.