Published June 05. 2019 12:00AM
Coplay Public Library embarks on a series of summer programs this month.
Blast Off into Reading storytime with Miss Veronica and Miss Janice will be 11 a.m.-noon June 6, 13, 20 and 27.
The free Monday movie event is 5-7 p.m. The library will be showing “Star Trek” (2009), June 10; “Star Trek into Darkness,” June 17; and “Star Trek Beyond,” June 24.
The annual summer reading program unfolds this month. The theme is “A Universe of Stories.”
The Ironton Rail Trail Oversight Commission has a workday scheduled for June 8 starting 8 a.m. Volunteers can come to the maintenance trailer off North Second Street.
There will be a 5K run/walk and pavilion dedication 8 a.m. June 9 at the Levans Road trailhead, North Whitehall Township.
Coplay Borough Council meets 7 p.m. June 11 at borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St.
Enjoy an evening under the stars with A Pair of Aardvarks 6:15-9:30 p.m. June 12 at Coplay Community Plaza, North Second and Chestnut streets.
Blankets and lawn chairs are encouraged.
The food bank, sponsored by Coplay Recreation & Welfare Association, will be open 8:30-10 a.m. June 11 in the borough hall basement. Proof of borough residence is required.
Donations of boxed and canned items food are always welcome.
PRESS PHOTO BY AL RECKERJustin Weaver, Coplay postmaster, and Paul Boyle, borough public works director, deliver food donations to the Coplay Recreation & Welfare Association's food bank at borough hall. The donations are from Coplay Post Office's Stamp Out Hunger drive.