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“This is ridiculous,” township resident Gerald L. Reinbold Jr. said as he addressed the Upper Milford Township supervisors May 16.

Reinbold was talking about his neighbor’s property, which he said is strewn with vehicles and trespassing chickens. He continued to object to the cars parked along the neighborhood roads near the property.

“This is the third meeting in a row complaining about this property and how it is bringing all neighborhood property [values] down,” Reinbold said, reading from a prepared statement. “Last month the board of supervisors told us to be patient. Well, I don’t know how long you mean. Not a thing has changed; in fact, more vehicles are on his property now and more in the alley.”

Reinbold then moved on to the “chicken issue.” He spoke of his neighbor’s chicken coop near Reinbold’s property line and the problem of trespassing chickens.

“This is an ordinance issue,” Reinbold said. He wanted to know why the ordinance controlling chickens has not been enforced.

Resident William Ginder asked, “Why haven’t the vehicles been towed?”

Ginder wanted to know if not moving the offending vehicle was a matter of money to do the towing.

Township legal counsel Marc Fisher explained, “The supervisors made the decision to not tow the vehicles.”

“It seems like we’re not [sic] doing nothing,” Supervisor President Robert Sentner said. “It has nothing to do with a budgetary issue. It’s going to be resolved. Just be patient.”

The supervisors declined to further discuss the issue because it is under litigation.

In regular business, the supervisors approved three ordinances related to stormwater management and approved payment of bills.

Emmaus Public Library representative Lisa Marten reported several events are scheduled at the library.

A “Book Tasting,” where books can be discussed with other readers, is scheduled June 3. On June 8, a “Cookbook Challenge,” which will include a bring-your-own favorite dish pot-luck dinner, will be held.

“Morning Movie Wednesdays” will run for seven weeks beginning June 12.

Marten said a “Summer Reading” kickoff party June 15 will include carnival games and an ice-cream truck.

“This is ridiculous,” township resident Gerald L. Reinbold Jr. said as he addressed the Upper Milford Township supervisors May 16. He was appearing again to complain of a neighbor's property, vehicles and chickens and what he sees a slow response by township officials.PRESS PHOTO BY DOUGLAS GRAVES