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Voters pick school board candidates for November

On Tuesday’s municipal primary, four candidates were seeking one of the five open seats on the Northwestern Lehigh School Board.

Incumbents John Casciano, Joseph Fatzinger, Willard Dellicker and Todd Leiser all cross-filed on the Democrat and Republican tickets.

In addition, Rachael Scheffler waged a write-in campaign during the primary.

According to the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office, Dellicker took first place with an unofficial 644 votes, 27.06 percent of the total 2,380 Republican votes cast.

Fatzinger garnered an unofficial 594 votes, 24.96 percent of the vote, coming in second on the Republican ticket.

Leiser took an unofficial third place with 573 votes, 24.08 percent of the votes cast.

In fourth place on the Republican ticket was Casciano with 569 votes, 23.91 percent of the vote on that side of the ticket.

On the Democratic ticket, Dellicker again garnered the most votes, an unofficial 300, for 25.64 percent of the total 1,170 votes cast.

Coming in at an unofficial tie for second place was Fatzinger and Leiser, who both garnered an unofficial 291 votes for 24.87 percent each.

In third place, according to the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office, was Casciano who received 288 votes, or a close 24.62 percent of the vote.

No numbers were available for Scheffler.