At the May 6 operations committee meeting, administrators detailed additional reductions and savings in an effort to balance the 2019-2020 budget.
As previously reported, staffing changes including reduction and elimination of positions amounting to $214,072.
Proposed program changes include the elimination of Future Business Leaders of America at a savings of $15,000, reduction of the annual theater budget by $4,000, reduction of athletic training service cost at a savings of $10,900, reduction of the superintendent’s budget by $4,000, reduction of the curriculum budget by $30,000, reduction of the technology budget by $10,000, reduction of the food service general fund transfer by $10,583 and miscellaneous budget adjustments of $30,000.
Administration stressed these are budget reductions, rather than costs. For example, the athletic training services actual contract cost will be $2,500 less than the current year; however, the district has been over budgeting that line item by approximately $7,400.
With these proposed reductions, there are still unresolved issues facing the district, including the state budget, tax assessment adjustments, employee retirements, charter school enrollments, transportation cost reductions, auditor selection and print cost management.
With no tax increase to the residents, the deficit would be $744,457.45.
With the Act 1 index allowable increase of 2.3 percent and 0.7 percent for the approved exceptions for special education and the retirement expenditures, the increase for homeowners on an average home assessed at $176,400 would be $101.61, leaving a budget deficit of $16,262.98.
According to Salisbury Township School District Chief Financial Officer/Board Secretary Michael Taylor, CPA, the board has committed to reductions to eliminate the deficit.
The adoption of the final 2019-2020 budget is expected at the June 12 meeting.