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Lowhill reviews sketch plans

Lowhill Supervisors Chairman Rick Hughes was unable to attend the board’s May 2 meeting, so Vice Chairman Buddy Wessner led the meeting.

Various sketch plans and other items were to be discussed.

Supervisors reviewed a sketch plan for Sarah Murray involving Bellante properties along the Route 100.

Murray is putting a deceleration lane alongside the property but PennDOT needs the lane to be dedicated as theirs for it to be enforced.

However, for that to happen, Lowhill needs to release its easement information from a previous subdivision for PennDOT to complete this.

Therefore, Werley made a motion to have township Administrator Brian Carl ready the paperwork for PennDOT, so the deceleration lane can be completed.

Next, the supervisors reviewed a sketch plan from Nicholas R. and Amy L. Hamm for a lot-line adjustment at 6368 Ridge Road and at 5349 Kelly Road.

It was a preliminary/final plan, which was revised on April 5.

There were not any comments or concerns made by Carl or Ryan Christman, engineer, so the supervisors were OK with the plan becoming final.

The last sketch plan they reviewed was for Rose and Glen Moyer for a special event venue at 6547 Hollenbach Road, New Tripoli.

The sketch plan was to convert a garage in the back of the property.

Carl stated for the final plan they would need to find out the existing right of way measurement and whether it is 16.5 feet or 25 feet.

The final plan will need to include a right of way to get into the property.

Issues with the septic system also need to be addressed.

Carl stated that as long as these changes are made, the sketch plan could go right away to final and skip the preliminary phase.

Carl provided an update about Bittner’s Corner Bridge.

He said the bridge opened April 26 and the temporary bridge has been closed to be removed.

The township supervisors approved Eureka Stone to be the contingent supplier of road stone and materials for if Lehigh Asphalt, their main supplier, cannot supply them at the time, or would not have the material.