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Four file to be on ballot for five NWL school board seats

Four candidates are seeking one of the five open seats on the Northwestern Lehigh School Board.

Incumbents John Casciano, Joseph Fatzinger, Willard Dellicker and Todd Leiser have cross-filed on the Democrat and Republican tickets for the May 21 Municipal Primary.

In addition, Rachael Scheffler is waging a write-in campaign to be chosen as a school director.

Willard Dellicker

I’d like to run for one more term on the Northwestern Lehigh School Board and finish my tenure with my five Grandtigers who will all be graduating in the next four years.

It has been a pleasure to serve since 1986 and be a part of Northwestern Lehigh successes, with more than 5,000 Tigers graduating, including my three children.

Northwestern Lehigh is a special place with exceptional teachers, support staff and administrators. The current board is also filled with dedicated and experienced members who will continue to bring success to the children in our community and address the issues facing public education in Pennsylvania.

Joseph Fatzinger

After serving my first full term on the school board I have realized the importance of helping with not only construction, but importantly, the programs, safety and service for the students of Northwestern Lehigh.

John Casciano

I have a sincere interest in public education. I believe strongly that every child in our district should have access to an excellent education. I have been and continue to be very willing to collaborate and take all points of view into consideration.

I want to continue to help our district shape policies to ensure our continued best in education practices. In addition, I must strive to be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers of Northwestern Lehigh School District.

In my profession, I have gained leadership skills which helped to prepare me for the duties and responsibilities of a school director.

Todd Leiser

As a current board member, we have made progress over the last four years building a working relationship with the educators and administration that is professional and productive. I am running again to ensure we continue to improve the academic progress of our students, the effective management and oversight of district tax revenue, and provide a direction for long-term community value. Northwestern Lehigh School District is a central hub of the community, and I believe a high performing school reflects positively on our future.

Rachael Scheffler

Scheffler has lived in Northwestern Lehigh for 35 years. However, she did not think it reasonable to run for the school board while Mary Anne Wright, her mother, was the superintendent.

She has two daughters in the school, one in high school. The other attends Northwestern Elementary.

Being on the board is something she feels strongly about.

She works in education both as an adjunct faculty member at DeSales University and in sales for Discovery Education.

The Discovery Channel is parent to Discovery Education.

“I want to do anything I can to advocate for education and provide a younger perspective on the school board,” Scheffler said. “I want to give back to my community and contribute to the great things that are happening in education. Positive things are happening,” Scheffler said.