Salisbury township school district
The proposed final budget for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year has been approved and includes a total of $37,760,132.44 of proposed expenditures and revenues (with approved exceptions) of $37,743,869. There is a $16,262.98 deficit.
The district’s budget revenue changes include an increase ACCESS Funds Draw-down by $100,000. The taxable assessed value increased $2,121,400 since Nov. 14, 2018.
Large increases in the Gov. Tom Wolf’s proposed budget will also play a big role. The basic education budget increased $196,255 to $2,620,307 and the special education budget increased $40,261 to $914,417.
These were accompanied by changes in the budget expenditures as well, which includes a decrease of $264,072 due to staffing changes and contractual agreements.
A decrease in the food service budget from Southwest Foodservice Excellence, LLC has also been approved. SFE has cut costs in order to save money for the district. This includes the mobile ordering pilot program conducted at the high school. SFE representatives in attendance were thanked for their continuous efforts to serve students and bring healthy meals to ensure all students get the meals they so choose.
The district will not be able to dip into the fund balance, which serves as a type of savings account.
There are plenty of budget issues still to be resolved.
First, the state budget needs to be solidified (which is always a guessing game of when that will happen), but that will surely help ease some tensions. There are also still tax assessment adjustments, employee retirements and charter school enrollments that can factor into decreases in spending.
Additionally, after several years with the same district auditor, the board has moved to employ a new company, Barbacane, Thornton & Company. This will bring an additional $5,000 of savings. On top of this, the district will be moving to improve print cost management. Chief Financial Officer/Board Secretary Michael Taylor estimated this will save another $9,000 to $10,000, with a potential to save up to $16,000.