ALBURTIS BC Hearings held
Two hearings took place at the Alburtis Borough Council meeting May 8 regarding the 8018 Quarry Road land development, Headlands Realty Corp., Preliminary/Final Plan Review 2.
The first hearing was a conditional use hearing about a request to consolidate two existing parcels to construct a 3-acre parking lot expansion in Alburtis borough to provide an additional truck parking area. One parcel is approximately four acres entirely in Alburtis borough and is zoned L-1, light industrial-office research and is served by existing public water and public sewer.
The other parcel in Lower Macungie Township has a warehouse on it with associated parking, stormwater facilities and utilities and, when consolidated with Alburtis, will total approximately 36 acres. Two existing driveways to Quarry Road in Lower Macungie Township provide access to the site. This expansion request requires many exceptions and conditional uses and waivers. The hearing started at about 7:15 p.m. with Rik Longacre of Schlouch Inc., the developer and also the contractor, testifying on behalf of the owner. Testifying on behalf of Alburtis borough was Zoning Officer David Kutzor.
Longacre answered questions about security, lighting and when asked about a fence, said there was no fence. He claimed the additional parking area for tractor trailers is needed because they are now parking out to the road and are full with deliveries of wooden pallets.
Longacre answered many questions from council members about the areas to the north, south, east and west of the development, truck idling time and quiet time, lighting and more concerns including the number of parking spaces, which is 116.
Kutzor testified he was told the trailers are going to be used for storage and the area is not just for parking. They did not inform the borough they would be storing pallets in the truck parking spaces which will be rented. There will be moving in and out. He felt this was not a good deal for the borough and he wanted council to know.
Longacre said a jockey would be moving the trucks like a valet service. Everything is done by the jockeys. Council President Ron DeIaco asked Longacre about the turn-around-time but Longacre did not have the information. He guessed maybe a month or three weeks but it could slow down according to the state of the economy. DeIaco said the borough needs to define what long-term is. The discussion continued for about an hour and it was decided Solicitor David Knerr will write everything up for council to review and approve at the next meeting.
The second hearing about Greentree Industrial Park truck parking – 8018 Quarry Road waiver request began 8:15 p.m. Council reviewed 10 requests for waivers and found they satisfied all the requirements so a waiver was not needed. The hearing was closed 8:18 p.m.
Borough resident Victor Lauer asked when lines for parking would be painted that he asked for two years ago. Borough Manager Sharon Trexler advised him the lines are scheduled to be painted this year.
In other meeting news, DeIaco reviewed with council a color-coded map of the borough showing different areas of sewers in the borough. DeIaco advised Jeff Ott, borough engineer, would be at the next meeting to answer questions.
Council passed a motion to use the $325,617.50 left in the $460,000 Pennsylvania 2018/2019 Small Water and Sewer Rehabilitation grant and take money out of the sewer fund to make the $750,000 needed to finish this project. Council did this so they will not have to raise rates, advertise for bids or look for another contractor.
Council passed a motion approving the Pennsylvania Small Water and Sewer Grant Activity Period (of the $300,000 grant) be amended from March 29, 2017 to June 20, 2020.
Council passed a motion approving the meeting minutes of April 24. A motion was passed approving the bills of May 8 for payment.
A motion was passed approving Fiscal Consultant Chris A. DeFrain’s April report. A motion was passed approving the report from Borough Engineer Jeffrey Ott, of Ott Consulting, Inc.
A Macungie Ambulance Corps representative reported the corps responded to 291 calls in April with seven of them in the borough. The corps also announced May 19 to 25 is National EMS Week. This is to bring together local communities and medical personnel so communities can honor their dedication to save lives and serve the community.
A motion was passed granting the maintenance department permission to purchase a cut-off-saw for $720.
Maintenance Supervisor Donnie Derr reported two employees would flush fire hydrants 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. May 9 and 10. Crews replaced the storm drain box on East Second Street and are finishing the sidewalk areas. Contractors are making repairs on some of the sewer manholes. Maintenance has been working around the building flower beds. The play areas were re-mulched at the playground and the teeter totter has been installed.
Derr received a certificate of attendance and an award for successfully completing 13 hours of instruction for study in environmentally sensitive maintenance of dirt and gravel roads dated April 2. This will allow the borough to apply for different grants. DeIaco requested Trexler send a letter of thanks to Derr.
Alburtis Mayor Kathleen Palmer reported she was invited to participate in Emmaus Borough’s Memorial Day parade scheduled May 27.
Council reviewed the water supply inspection report of April 23 showing a minor deficiency at Well 3 and a few minor errors in recording dates.