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Show, swap meet on May 18


Lehigh Valley Model “A” Club will present the Steve Ryan Model A/AA car show and swap meet 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 18, rain or shine, at the Good Will Fire Co., 7723 Hamilton Blvd., Trexlertown.

There will be a Hubley model car display, technical presentation, pin striping by Jim Brand and a variety of model “A” cars.

Admission is free.

The swap meet is limited to early Ford model “A” parts only. No house hold items, dolls, modern tools or toys.

There is a small donation for swap meet spots.

Proceeds from swap meet donations will be used to offset the cost of the DJ and the dash plaques which will be given to the driver of each Model A on display.

Food will be prepared by the fire company. Proceeds from food sales will benefit the fire company.

For information, call 484-548-0632 or email lvmodelaclub@gmail.com.