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PSATS convention provides useful information

Heidelberg supervisors left room for a 20-minute executive session concerning pending litigation at the start of their April meeting.

Dawn Didra, zoning; Janice Meyers, secretary, administrator; and Supervisor Jonathan Jakum attended the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors convention in Hershey.

Didra gained some information about putting together a township newsletter and talked to different agencies about getting grants that may be available to the township which wants to renovate the floor and ceiling tile in the meeting room, as well as for the demolition of some houses, Jakum said.

Meyers attended a leadership seminar and was updated on right-to-know. MS4 regulations and pension administration was discussed. Streams and other areas can now be counted toward MS4 acreage.

Engineer Chris Noll said areas outside the urban area may not actually be included because it is a federal law.

An NPDES permit is not necessary on less than one acre of soil disturbance. He said they were being less strict on that.

PSATS had a panel of legislators who discussed volunteers. At one time there were 300,000 with the fire companies in the state and that is down to 39,000.

The Emergency Management Service discussed future projects and regional training with chiefs and training officers attending a state meeting.

The book being used by the Emergency Management Coordinator was termed “antiquated.” A new coordinator is needed at the township. Supervisor Steve Bachman said the township may be able to get upgrading guidance from Weisenberg and Lowhill townships.

Meyers said Josh Bingham, who resigned in February, had done some work toward updating it.

Wilk said NOVA ambulance corps has one new and two part-time members on staff as well as a part-time medic. There are two EMT and one medic positions to fill.

Bachman said the ambulance responded to all calls even with the staffing issue. With that problem they were on site 8-1/2 hours a day on average. It took an average 8.6 minutes to respond to each of 18 calls.

Bachman said the police have the names of the people who damaged the recreation fields at the community park. The Recreation Commission spent $3,500 to provide more effective camera coverage of the fields.

The pictures they got from the recent damage were of people just standing around and not causing the damage.

Huber said they tore down two garages on the new township property and are working close to the house.

Germansville Fire Chief Jay Scheffler said the fire company wants to use that house for training.

The road crew was doing tree trimming but had to quit because of high winds. They will be starting to sweep streets. There was no state response from a letter concerning road conditions. The state has canceled several scheduled meetings which is why the letter was sent.

Didra reported Heidelberg Heights had quieted down but there was a dumpster in the street. A fence that fell down was only a little on the road. On Christman Road a house needs taking down. She found at PSATS that there may be a grant to do so.

Solicitor Keith Strohl said Heidelberg does not allow the billboard Adams Outdoor Advertising wants to place along Route 100.

That decision was based on the fact that there are other areas in the multimunicipal plan. Adams lost an appeal.

The state wants a traffic study for a proposed four-way stop at Saegersville and Memorial roads. Meyers said according to information sent to her that should not be needed.

The multi-municipal oil bid came in from Asphalt Maintenance Solutions at $2.15 and was accepted.

Road material bids were divided between Lehigh Asphalt of Ormrod and New Enterprise Stone and Lime which ships from various sites.

The Lehigh County Authority wants a sewer ordinance to help rectify violations. The township ordinance is from 1975 and applies mostly to on-lot systems.

Noll said he would work with Strohl, who said they could check with other townships because if they pass an ordinance they don’t want to find holes in it.