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Whitehall Township Public Library: Open mic night is scheduled

The third Monday open mic and jam will be held 6:30 p.m. May 20.

Thank you to Rocking the Valley Online Radio for its support. Entertainers interested in performing three songs or a 15-minute set are asked to sign up between 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Musicians, singers, poets, comedians, actors, writers and storytellers are invited to come show off your stuff, or just come and be part of the audience!


The third Tuesday family movie night will be held 6 p.m. May 21 in the community room. This month’s selection will be “Aquaman.”


Some of the other ongoing programs each month include:

• Beading club, 1:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays

• Lehigh Valley Knitting Guild, 6 p.m. the first and third Thursday

• Adult coloring club, 11 a.m. the second and fourth Tuesday

• What Are You Reading Now? adult book talk, 1 p.m. the fourth Tuesday


Stop by and purchase a new blue book bag. Take a picture of yourself with your bag on vacation and send it to us! We will be posting pictures on the wall near the water fountain until January 2020.

Email pictures to researcher1998@yahoo.com or drop off a copy at the front desk. Tell us where the picture was taken, but supplying your name is optional.


No need to carry around 10 different library cards when one card will give you access to all 11 Lehigh Carbon Library Cooperative libraries.

Old cards will be exchanged for free. Come see the library staff for all of the details.


Call the library at 610-432-4339 for more information on any of our programs. We have the newsletter and calendar on our website, whitehallpl.org, and copies at the front circulation desk.