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Alburtis Borough Zoning Officer David Kutzor at the council meeting April 24, reported he and a few Boy Scouts and two parents dug about six to six and a half feet down at the bird sanctuary where it is suspected graves might be, as shown on an old map near a church.

The borough received the map with other papers when the sanctuary was transferred from the William C. Butz Memorial to the borough. By using a divining rod, Kutzor located eight possible grave sites. Kutzor dug six locations and hit rock in one. He noted back in the 1800s rocks were placed on top of coffins so they would not surface in the future. Later in the 1800s a slab of steel was used.

The Boy Scouts dug two possible graves but found nothing.

Using the divining rod again, Kutzor located two more spots, making a total of 10 possible grave sites in a row. Kutzor, because all of the sites were in a row, requested and council granted permission, to dig down to eight feet to find out what is there. Kutzor will report what he finds.

In other meeting news, council approved ordering 10 free trees from PPL Community Roots. Two of the trees will be planted at the hockey court, two at the playground, two at the ball field, two along Main Street and two at the community center. Although she was absent, Councilperson Kathleen Raines, advised Borough Manager Sharon Trexler she would like red oak trees at the hockey court, the playground and the ball field. Councilperson Vanessa Taggart said she does not want crabapple trees and Councilperson Stephen Kaufman said he favors dogwood trees. Councilperson Hector Vazquez said he favors Eastern redbud trees.

Council authorized Trexler to purchase three new office chairs as the old ones are worn out.

Council also approved accepting a memorial bench at the ball field donated by the Findlay family.

A motion was passed to apply for a grant in the amount of $4,000 with the borough paying $2,000 to purchase flag banners and star snowflakes and poinsettia blooms to decorate Main Street throughout the year. Some of the decorations need to be replaced as they were lost or destroyed by wind and weather.

A motion was passed to approve the contract authorizing sewer flow monitoring services by Lehigh County Authority in the borough, but services can be stopped at any time and is not to exceed $10,000.

Council passed a motion authorizing Service Master of Allentown to clean two basement units and the ducts, vents and returns at Lockridge Historical Church in the amount of $1,270.

Council also approved Scott Stoneback’s donation and installation of a sound system at Lockridge Historical Church.

A motion passed approving the meeting minutes of April 10. A motion was passed approving the bills of April 24 for payment. A motion was passed approving Fiscal Consultant Chris A. DeFrain’s report for March.

In the absence of Borough President Ron DeIaco, the meeting was chaired by Vice President Steven Hill. Alburtis Mayor Kathleen Palmer also was absent.

The meeting adjourned 7:40 p.m. and immediately went into an executive session to discuss legal matters with no action to be taken.