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School district website gets update

The Whitehall-Coplay School District website recently got a fresh new look when it was redesigned to be more informative and user-friendly.

“It is brand new. It features separate web pages for each school and is full of information for parents and students to their respective schools,” said Michelle Khouri, district registrar. “There is a community page that is currently having more options added on, a calendar on the homepage to locate district events and a Zephyr showcase, which is updated with features on students and staff in the district.”

The homepage header breaks important topics into five main drop-down menus. They include the following sections: “About,” “Enrollment,” “Athletics,” “Community” and “Calendar.” It also displays a slideshow of pictures with important links, and the website’s font and organization make it easier to read and navigate.

Popular links are located in clearly visible boxes under the slideshow. Whitehall High School’s recent performance of “Mamma Mia” was promoted.

The homepage highlights pertinent information, like details on kindergarten registration. A Twitter feed is displayed on the left-hand side, along with links to the district’s Twitter and Facebook pages on the right.

One welcomed new addition is the presence of a distinct, red exclamation point that notifies parents of important changes - for example, snow makeup days. A full calendar, including special events and days off, is also featured.

A broad choice of languages is available to help convey information to WCSD’s diverse population.

The option to select a specific school’s page is available on the top right of the homepage. Gockley, Steckel and Zephyr elementary schools, Whitehall-Coplay Middle School and the high school have pages featuring pictures, a staff directory and other targeted information.

For example, WCMS has a page with current information from students’ teachers that outlines homework assignments. WHS includes links to a course catalog and a breakdown of grading policies.

Announcements for individual clubs let parents and students access the latest information.

School pages provide links to parent resources such as the PowerSchool Parent Portal, which allows access to student schedules, grades and attendance history.

The updated WCSD website can be found at whitehallcoplay.org.