THE CENTER FOR ANIMAL HEALTH AND WELFARE, Easton, is seeking volunteers to walk dogs, assist with a.m. cleanings, attend off site events to promote the shelter, cat and dog enrichment and general shelter help. If interested in helping, please contact Walt Hoffman at 610-252-7722, ext. 4 or email cahwvolunteercoordinator@rcn.com.
AMERICAN RED CROSS of the GREATER LEHIGH VALLEY, Allentown – Help us sound the alarm and save lives by volunteering to share fire safety tips and install free smoke alarms (by appointment throughout Allentown) April 27. Register your group/individual at https://volunteerconnection.redcross.org/?nd=vms_public_form&form_id=5658. For questions, contact Ned Bloom at 484-403-4721 or ned.bloom@redcross.org.
CENTER FOR VISION LOSS, Allentown, is seeking volunteers to work with staff to administer vision-screening tests for preschool and kindergarten age children in Lehigh or Northampton County. Training will be provided. Contact Rita Lang at 610-433-6018 or rita.lang@centerforvisionloss.org.
FLINT HILL FARM EDUCATIONAL CENTER, Coopersburg, needs volunteers to help with spring farm clean up. Contact Kathy Fields at 610-838-2928 or kathy@flint-hillfarm.org.
GIRL SCOUTS of EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA seek volunteers to be Daisy Scout leaders to give the littlest Girl Scouts their first leadership experience. Contact Dale Marie Moelter at 267-443-0026 or dmoelter@gsep.org.
GREATER VALLEY YMCA, Easton, is looking for volunteers (18+ years) to assist with Healthy Kids Day April 27. Contact Julie Novick at 610-438-6065 or julienovick@gv-ymca.org.
LEHIGH COUNTY COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES, Allentown, is seeking dedicated volunteers to be court appointed advocates for children in foster care due to abuse, neglect and/or trauma. Contact CASA at 610-782-3858 or CASA@lehighcounty.org.
MEALS ON WHEELS OF THE GREATER LEHIGH VALLEY, Lehigh County, needs volunteers to deliver meals to home-bound seniors and disabled individuals throughout the Lehigh Valley. Contact Dawn Stillwagen at 610-841-7011 or dawns@mowglv.org.
PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY THERAPY DOGS, INC., Kutztown, seeks volunteers with therapy dogs to visit residents of various nursing homes throughout the Lehigh Valley area. For more information, contact Helene Skopek-Krygier at 570-814-6078 or poycdog@yahoo.com.
Volunteer Center to receive a brochure listing agencies in need of volunteers at 610-807-0336 or email vc@volunteerlv.org. Visit our website www.volunteerlv.org for a larger listing of volunteer opportunities.