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Rep. Schlossberg, policy committee discuss voting rights at roundtable

State Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-132nd, hosted a House Democratic Policy Committee roundtable discussion recently at Dubbs Memorial Community Center.

The roundtable focused on a new legislative package from the House Democrats titled, “Your Vote Counts.”

The package includes provisions that would allow for early voting, additional time for absentee ballots to be submitted, time off to vote, and mail-in ballots.

Schlossberg has a bill in the package that would allow voters to submit an updated signature for the voting book.

He was joined by state legislators from across the state, including Policy Committee Chairman Mike Sturla, D-96th.

“We have an obligation to make the voting process accessible and free from undue hardships. Any efforts to obstruct democracy have to be dealt with,” Schlossberg said. “This package includes reasonable efforts to make voting more accessible in Pennsylvania.

Sturla also commented on “Your Vote Counts.”

“Pennsylvania had record voter turnout in the 2018 midterm election; 58 percent of registered voters cast their ballot,” Sturla said. “While it’s great to know a record number of voters showed up for the midterm elections; I’d love to see all registered voters have their voices heard at the polls.

“‘Your Vote Counts’ is a way to improve voter turnout and help more Pennsylvanians take part in democracy.”

Panelists who participated in the roundtable were the Rev. Dr. Larry Pickens, ecumenical director of the Lehigh Conference of Churches, Lehigh County Director of Administration Ed Hozza Jr., Mary Erdman, vice president for action of the League of Women Voters of Lehigh County, and Barbara Redmond, secretary of the Allentown NAACP.

The meeting was one in a series held across the state on the House Democrats’ Plan4PA, focused on putting people first, good jobs, affordable health care, quality schools and a fair economy.

Additional information about the plan is available at plan4pa.com.