Published April 24. 2019 12:00AM
Salisbury Township residents with fire protection services provided by the Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Department have begun to receive the fire department’s annual appeal letter for donations to help support its annual operating budget.
Fire Chief Joshua Wells said resident contributions help provide the revenue to operate the fire company’s two stations, purchase and maintain firefighting equipment and provide training for the all-volunteer firefighters.
Wells said contributions have historically come from just four out of every 10 families who are protected by the fire department. “A common misconception,” Wells said, “is that we are fully funded by the Township of Salisbury. However we only receive about 33 percent of our $175,000 annual operating budget from the township. This year we are suggesting a $40 minimum family contribution to help us meet our operating expenses.”
Wells said contributions are 100 percent tax deductible and payments can be made online or by mail.
For more information about the organization, visit online.