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Basket bonanza

Easter egg hunters at Hope Community Church, Weisenberg Township, received a chocolate bunny and a colorful drinking cup as they registered for the church’s egg hunt on April 13.

Inside the sanctuary, Pastor Ken Kalisz told the Easter story and included the fact eggs are associated with Easter because they are a symbol of rebirth, just as Jesus was reborn after his crucifixion.

The anxious, soon-to-be egg hunters then watched a 5-minute video, which included Jesus on the cross.

Children played the Biblical characters. A hay bale replaced the stone of the tomb of Jesus.

“Jesus is alive again and he loves you,” Pastor Kalisz said.

In addition, egg hunt director Mark Gane handed out filled Easter baskets as door prizes.

Denise Kalisz bags popcorn to have with lunch after the Easter Egg Hunt.