District News: Classes held April 18; students off April 19 for spring break
Northampton Area School District is required to make up eight instructional days due to the inclement winter weather. The dates that school will now be in session include April 18 and 22, June 4-7 and June 10 and 11.
Due to the schedule changes, May 29-31 and June 3-5 will now be full days for students and staff.
June 6, 7, 10 and 11 will be early dismissal days. Secondary schools (grades 6-12) will dismiss 10:30 a.m., and elementary schools (grades K-5) will dismiss noon.
Schools will be closed April 19 for spring break.
Reminder: PSSA testing in English/language arts and math will continue to be administered until May 3 for grades 3-8. Parents/guardians are reminded to be sure that students get plenty of restful sleep and start each day with a light, healthy breakfast.
No vacation time during this testing window will be approved.
The Race Against Hate 5K color run/walk is set for May 11. Registration begins 9 a.m. at Wolf Field, across the street from Northampton Area High School. The race starts 10 a.m.
The course travels through the borough, connects to the Nor-Bath Trail and returns to Wolf Field. The race will be held rain or shine.
There will be prizes for the winning male, female and child 12 and under.
Spectators are welcome.
The event is sponsored by Northampton Area High School’s National Honor Society, and proceeds benefit anti-bullying organizations around the Lehigh Valley.
For questions, contact pretopaj@nasdschools.org.
Graduation is scheduled for 4 p.m. June 1 at Stabler Arena, Bethlehem. Seniors who have graduated are not required to attend school June 3-11.
NASD will once again be offering Camp Invention for students in grades 2-5 and grades 6-9 in the summer, and registration is underway.
Visit the school’s website, nasdschools.org, and follow the link to find more information and to register.
Do you have any NASD news? Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Northampton School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.