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Upper Lehigh Lions donate to emergency responders

The Upper Lehigh Lions Club presented donations to Northern Valley EMS (NOVA) and the four fire companies in North Whitehall Township at a recent meeting at the Schnecksville Diner.

President Ruthann Krause reports $1,000 was given to each of the volunteer emergency response organizations.

Representatives of each entity provided information on their unit.

Schnecksville Fire Company was established in 1924.

The company serves the Schnecksville area which includes the Lehigh Career and Technical Institute, Lehigh Carbon Community College, KidsPeace and the Trexler Nature Preserve.

The company also provides fire and rescue services to 11 miles of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

As the Upper Lehigh Lions Club has been privileged to use the Schnecksville social hall and pavilion for meetings and fundraising events for many years, they donated $2,500 to the fire company’s kitchen fund.

Reports indicate the Neffs Fire Company answered 366 calls in 2018. Tri-Clover, Orefield, responded to 292 calls, and Laurys Station Fire Company answered 144 calls.

Operations Manager at NOVA Bruce Bisbing, said the corps serves 34,279 residents within an 81-square-mile radius of coverage.

The staff participates in monthly training and drills to maintain competency.

“We believe in and carry out our mission statement every day and that is to provide the best care possible in a timely and efficient manner to the residents and visitors of our community,” Bisbing said.

He said without the help of the volunteer firefighters, the EMS would not be able to do its job safely.

Bisbing thanked the Lions Club for its support of emergency services and first responders in the area.

“Your support is critical as we come together as a team for the health and welfare of our community,” Bisbing said.

Krause explained the Lions Club also contributes funds to families in need for purchase of a child’s eyeglasses.

Upon recommendation of a school nurse, Lions Dr. Stephen Drabick does the eye exam and the Lions pay the bill.

Through fundraisers, such as the summer festival at the church grove in Neffs, hoagie sales, a basket social, a chicken barbecue, and the Schnecktucky Derby, the Lions raise the money to offer support for the local organizations. At present, the club has 59 members.

“We are a good, hardworking group of community minded people,” Krause said.

She noted the Lions are always looking for hands to help.

“Come to our meetings at the Schnecksville Diner 6:45 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month and join us for a meal,” Krause said.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY LARRY SNYDERRobin Hood, Laurys Station Fire Company, Mike Garris, Tri-Clover Fire Company, Dave Tretter, and Bruce Bisbing, both with Northern Valley Ambulance, Ron Stahley, Schnecksville Fire Company, Jim Steward, Neffs Fire Company, Brad Petrohoy and Karl Haas, both with Schnecksville Fire Company, recently attended the Upper Lehigh Lions EMS Night.