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Middle school performance profile increases

Middle schoolers have moved up in readiness index rankings, said Principal Bill Dovico. He and his assistant, Amy Staufferberg, gave a presentation about the student performance profile at the March 20 school board meeting.

The profile is used in every school in the state, and is also used to support schools as they try to improve academic performance.

Northwestern’s performance score is 72.9 up from 65.3 last year and putting it in third place among the 14 schools listed.

Although meeting all standards for the future ready index it should increase, said Dovico.

With a percent of proficient or advanced students of 71.6 Northwestern is above the statewide average 63 percent in English language arts. Statewide the goal is to have 81.1 percent at that point by 2030.

In mathematics/algebra the proficient or advanced students had only 45.4 percent in the group with a statewide average of 45.5 percent and statewide goal of 71.8 percent by 2030.

In eighth grade, the proficient or advanced students number 73.9 percent with a statewide average of 64.3 percent and a goal of 83 percent in science and biology.

Growth standards compare performance to his/her own prior performance. In English the growth score is 76, with a statewide average of 74.9.

In math, the score is 94.8 with an average of 75.2

The science growth score is 100 percent and the statewide average is 74.9 percent.

Career standards are met by 100 percent of students with a statewide performance standard of 98 percent. Northwestern has 96.6 percent of students with regular attendance. The statewide average is 85.4 percent.

Areas for growth are in the PSSA math achievement, and growth standard for advanced performers.

Points of pride are all state averages were met or exceeded. There were increased achievement scores in English language arts, math and science.

Students with disabilities exceeded growth standards and the score increase bringing Northwestern up to third in the county.

Teachers are finding that some things are paying off with small group instruction. A reading comprehension program is being used.

Board Director Todd Leiser asked what is needed to bring up math scores.

Dovico said no schools seem to have worked out why math is lower.

He said they work all angles but the students do pretty good when they move up to high school.