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Emmaus Borough Council met April 1 with a number of presentations and announcements.

First, thanks to the Emmaus Kiwanis Club, the Emmaus Ambulance Corps was able to purchase a specialized training mannequin at just under $1,000. Lt. Craig Deppe and Chief Jeff Hoffman thanked the Emmaus Kiwanis Club for the donation and said mannequins are extremely vital in practicing training techniques.

Borough Manager Shane Pepe told council about an anonymous donation of $52,050 to be given to the Emmaus Ambulance Corps for the purchase of an automatic lift to be equipped to the ambulance. The lift will allow for safer and much faster care to be administered on scene.

“We’re very excited about it. This individual wanted to donate to the ambulance department … and the council members would very much like to thank them if they would like to step forward,” Pepe said.

Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert announced a donation from American Millwork and Carpentry to the Emmaus Police Department’s K-9 unit. The donor wanted to commend the department for their work and give thanks to Police Chief Charles Palmer for speaking at the company’s monthly safety meeting. The donation was for $250.

Palmer and the Emmaus Police Department were also thanked for providing active shooter training for borough staff.

In another recognition, Keith A. Miller was sworn in as deputy director of emergency services.

Emmaus paramedics Cara Biery and Keetly Hamill were recognized for a sensational accomplishment while responding to a call. On March 14 while transporting a patient to the hospital, the patient went into labor and Biery and Hamill delivered a baby girl. They received special recognition and stork pins for their uniforms. Emmaus Fire Chief John Price presented the awards and said, “In my 40 years of EMS, I’ve not yet experienced this.”

In other business, council voted to amend the ordinance on the purchase of the new recycling receptacles, adjusting the size to a larger 96 gallon container. Council members made note the larger containers were most common and much more popular with the residents.

Council member John W. Hart announced the approval by council to purchase a vehicle for the zoning officer. Parameters were set for Pepe to either purchase a used vehicle or enter into a lease agreement.

Several requests for activities at the Community Park were approved, including a 40th Anniversary Party-Summer Concert Series June 2, Movies Under the Stars June 21, July 19 and Aug. 16 and the Cruise-In Car Show event Aug. 25.

Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert issues the oath of office April 1 to Deputy Director of Emergency Services Keith A. Miller with Chief John Price and Melissa Miller standing by.PRESS PHOTO BY JAke MELUSKEY